On June 27th, the Wisconsin ATV UTV Association honors the late Bud Auer, who devoted much of his time to helping improve the image of our sport.
The following letter is from Terry Coplien, Northeast Regional Coordinator and a close friend of Bud.
Auer, Bud as we called him, was a living example of a person who gave his all
for whatever was asked of him. All one would need to do is ask Bud if he
could help out or participate in an event, function, ride or even work and he
would be there.
all the years I had known him, I never heard him use a swear word or say
“anything” negative about anyone. I believe we would all be hard pressed
to find another human being that has those qualities.
one of our events it was over 90 degree’s and we were having a hard time
finding anyone to flag for us on the track we were using to raise money for the “Angels On Our Shoulder" foundation. Someone
asked Bud if he would relieve who was flagging and of course Bud just trotted
out there and stayed flagging for the rest of the event. It was
hours. That is who Bud was.
belonged to at least five ATV Clubs and attended their meetings. He
volunteered as needed for all clubs and of course for the WI ATV Association in
which he was on the Board of Directors. He worked tirelessly at and for
the sport of ATVING. He was a blessing to have around and you could count
on Bud for whatever it was you wanted done."
In honor of Bud, WATVA has designated June 27th in his honor.
WATVA also awards an annual award to an individual around the state that shares Buds dedication. This individual is nominated by their peers and selected by a committee in WATVA. Watch our web site to find out how you can nominate someone for the 2012 Bud Auer Positive Image Award of Excellence.
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